Posts tagged wellness
Journey to Wellness: Unlocking the Benefits of Travel for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Traveling for wellness has become increasingly popular in recent years as people recognize the benefits it offers for their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it's a solo trip, a group retreat, or a wellness-focused vacation, travel can provide a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life and help us reset and recharge.

Here are some of the ways that travel can benefit our overall well-being:

  1. Mental Health: Travel can have a positive impact on our mental health by reducing stress levels, improving mood, and increasing creativity. Taking a break from our daily routine and exploring new places can stimulate our minds and provide a sense of excitement and adventure.

  2. Physical Health: Traveling can also have physical health benefits, especially if it involves activities such as hiking, yoga, or other physical exercise.

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Preventative Care with Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian system of medicine that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and well-being. This holistic approach to healthcare emphasizes the importance of achieving harmony in the mind, body and spirit to prevent disease and promote optimal health. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine for preventative care and how it can help you achieve harmony in your life.

Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the concept of three doshas, or energies, that govern the body and mind: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, which determines their physical and mental characteristics. When the doshas are in balance, a person is healthy and free from disease. However, when the doshas are out of balance, illness and disease can occur.

Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of techniques to restore balance and prevent disease, including diet and nutrition, herbal remedies, meditation, and yoga. By identifying a person's dosha type and making lifestyle adjustments to support that type, Ayurvedic medicine aims to promote health and well-being and prevent disease before it occurs.

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The Four Dimensions of Wellness: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Wellness is lifestyle. Wellness is a state of being that encompasses every aspect of our lives. It's about taking care of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to neglect one or more of these dimensions, but doing so can have negative consequences on our well-being. That's why it's important to understand the four dimensions of wellness and make them a part of our daily lives.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is about finding meaning and purpose in life. It involves connecting with something greater than ourselves, whether it's through religion, nature, or other sources of inspiration. Spiritual wellness helps us to develop a sense of inner peace and purpose, which can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

To cultivate spiritual wellness, you can spend time in nature, meditate, practice gratitude, or engage in activities that bring you a sense of peace and serenity. You might also explore different spiritual practices, such as yoga or prayer, to find what resonates with you.

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A Blessing For Yourself

Before you begin... A Blessing For Yourself

Before you begin your practice bless yourself.

Bless all of your past, your mistakes your triumphs, all the decisions you have made to get to this point.

Bless the times that you fell to your knees and the times you rose above yourself.

Bless all of your present.

Bless this moment pregnant with possibility, hope and openness.

Bless yourself for showing up here to practice, to learn, to grow and evolve.

Bless yourself for trying no matter what the circumstances are - you are doing your best.

Bless your courage, your strength.

Bless all of your future. The lands & experiences that lay before you, the relationships that you are yet to have.

Bless all the outcomes of all the choices you make today, knowing that you are being guided and looked after.

Bless all parts of yourself, all the sweetness, all the struggles.

Bless yourself for being you!

Source: The Language of Yin, by Gabrielle Harris

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Bronx Couples Holistic Healing Day Retreat

Noble Alkhemy offers a personalized holistic healing retreat for couples seeking a truly transformative getaway. 

This is for anyone seeking a naturally inspired healing experience. Our retreats provide an escape filled with relaxation all while staying in the Bronx! For over 8 years, co-owners Dee and Dre have welcomed guests via being Airbnb Super-hosts, to now sharing their authentic wellness and art lifestyle through delicious organic meals, peaceful and cozy accommodations surrounded by art, and facilities in a beautiful area of the Bronx near wonderful nature bathing and magical hiking spots.

Whatever your wellness goal: whether stress-reduction, COVID-19 prevention, weight-loss, detoxification, or seek rejuvenation, we can support you in meeting your goals.

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Laughter meditation is a form of meditation that combines breathing exercises and laughter to promote a sense of well-being, joy, and relaxation. This type of meditation is also known as laughing yoga or laughter therapy, and it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Laughter meditation is an inner experience. When we laugh we are totally free. We can’t be in the past laughing, or in the future. Laughing brings us to the present moment. Laughter meditation is a cost-effective healing tool used to transform the present moment into child-like playfulness while honoring your inner child. Laughter meditation is strong preventative medicine and has a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit.

Did you know children can laugh up to 400 times a day, versus adults who laugh 15 times a day?

During a laughter meditation session, participants engage in laughter exercises that involve deep breathing, physical movements, and vocalizations. These exercises are designed to trigger laughter and create a positive, relaxed state of mind.

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How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation in 5 STEPS

Virtual Vitamins are the digital counterpart to the vitamins we ingest with our food as supplements.

Here are 3 steps to ensure you are taking your virtual vitamins daily:

  1. Take inventory. Look at the social media accounts that you follow online and see what you’re being tapped into on a daily basis. Observe how you are feeling when you look at your social media? Are you feeling drained? Are you feeling inspired?

  2. Do a virtual cleanse. There is so much power in the images we see everyday, it’s important to switch up the frequency. Every now and then cleanse your virtual online space. Unfollow those accounts that are not up to date or posting inspiring things for you to get your juices going. You are in control of your virtual reality. You’ll be amazed when you delete some accounts, how other accounts that you are aligned with will suddenly come to the forefront.

  3. Keep the accounts you are aligned with. The accounts that you follow should reflect what you want to see. This will get your day going in a positive direction because in the morning when you scroll you will be reminded of your joy and light by the images you see.

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