Posts in CREATOR
Exploring the Energies of the Zodiac Signs in Spring: A Medical Astrology Perspective

Medical astrology is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a fascinating branch of astrology that links the movements and positions of celestial bodies to the health and well-being of individuals. This practice is based on the belief that each zodiac sign is associated with specific body organs and emotions. Medical astrology suggests that the energies of the zodiac signs shift with the changing seasons, and understanding these energies can provide insight into potential health issues. By tapping into the unique energies of each zodiac sign, individuals can promote healing and overall well-being.

Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and in medical astrology, two zodiac signs come to prominence: Aries and Pisces. Aries is associated with the beginning of spring, and as a fire sign, they are known for their boldness, passion, and courage. Pisces, on the other hand, is associated with the end of winter and is a water sign, known for their sensitivity, intuition, and creativity.

In terms of body organs, Aries is associated with the head, and Pisces is associated with the feet. During the spring season, Aries may

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Painting birdhouses: A Fun and Therapeutic Activity for the Whole Family(with lesson plan)

Recently, I had the pleasure of spending quality time with my niece Lauren and together we did a fun activity with my 4-year-old son Cuba, along with his cousins, 6-month-old Eva and 1.5-year-old Ethan, by doing some painting. We used washable paint with six colors, nothing too complicated, and allowed the children to explore their creativity. As a mom, it was an opportunity for me to have some adult time with my niece while also bonding with my son and sharing a creative experience with him. We all had a blast holding a paintbrush, mixing colors, and rinsing brushes in the water.

Painting birdhouses is a fun and engaging activity for all ages, even children as young as 1.5 years old. It provides a great opportunity for them to: explore colors and textures, stimulate their imagination, and develop their fine motor skills. But it's not just about the art - painting birdhouses can also have holistic health benefits for both children and adults.

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Just For Today...

Just For Today by Author Unknown.

Just for today, I will let go of anger.

Just for today, I will let go of worry.

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

Just for today, I will take responsibility for everything that happens to me.

Just for today, I will take some action that will move me closer to my dreams.

Just for today, I will take 20 minutes for meditation, prayer, and/or reflection.

Just for today, I will focus on the journey instead of the destination.

Just for today, I will not put junk food in my body.

Just for today, I will be kind to myself.

Just for today, I will remember that everyone is doing the best that they can.

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A Blessing For Yourself

Before you begin... A Blessing For Yourself

Before you begin your practice bless yourself.

Bless all of your past, your mistakes your triumphs, all the decisions you have made to get to this point.

Bless the times that you fell to your knees and the times you rose above yourself.

Bless all of your present.

Bless this moment pregnant with possibility, hope and openness.

Bless yourself for showing up here to practice, to learn, to grow and evolve.

Bless yourself for trying no matter what the circumstances are - you are doing your best.

Bless your courage, your strength.

Bless all of your future. The lands & experiences that lay before you, the relationships that you are yet to have.

Bless all the outcomes of all the choices you make today, knowing that you are being guided and looked after.

Bless all parts of yourself, all the sweetness, all the struggles.

Bless yourself for being you!

Source: The Language of Yin, by Gabrielle Harris

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CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Goddess Jasmine Irons-Anokute

1. What type of art do you create? Pressed flower art 

2. How long have you been doing art for? 1 year 

3. Who are your creative influences: I’m really inspired by Frida Kahlo, more so by her as a person than her art. She was vibrant, full of color, brave, outspoken and an all around bad ass. She always found a way to create, despite her pain. The same with Billie Holiday, Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins and other creators who found artistic freedom during the darkest times of oppression or mental illness. Overall, I’m inspired by anyone who has the guts to create and put it out in the world.

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